Functional Medicine Services


Functional Medicine is a discipline that, in partnership with the patient, looks for the underlying root causes of disease and dysfunction. We take a great deal of time to look at how your mind, body and spirit are reacting to your current lifestyle, including environment, diet, exposure to toxins, nutrient deficiencies, genetics, activity and mental health.


Functional Medicine is a discipline that, in partnership with the patient, looks for the underlying root causes of disease and dysfunction. We take a great deal of time to look at how your mind, body and spirit are reacting to your current lifestyle, including environment, diet, exposure to toxins, nutrient deficiencies, genetics, activity and mental health.


Thank you for considering our office! We look forward to becoming your partner in assessing and improving your health. Below, we explain our office's process for Functional Medicine patients.

On your first visit we will discuss your complete medical history. The key to functional medicine is treating each person as an individual and getting to the root cause of health problems. That generally entails a detailed conversation about your current state of health, health history, family history, diet, lifestyle habits, etc. At that point we will discuss with you potential approaches and recommended laboratory workups. This visit will last approximately 90 minutes and is primarily an information gathering and sharing session. We may make some recommendations at this time, but some advice will be deferred until your first follow-up appointment to be done after lab results are in and there has been time to thoughtfully consider your individual case.

The second visit is generally scheduled 2-4 weeks later. It is at that time we will discuss the review of findings. This includes what may be causing your health problems and what supplementation (vitamins, minerals, herbs), diet, and lifestyle changes may be needed, as well as any or other medications that may be appropriate for your care.

Subsequent follow-up visits are usually scheduled approximately 4–8 weeks later to evaluate progress and make any adjustments in your program. How often you will need to be seen after that will depend on why you are being treated. Some healthier people may need to be seen only once a year, while many people who have multiple complaints are seen more often based on the severity of their condition.

Prior to your first appointment, please be sure to complete the new patient forms we send. We look forward to working with you!


We do not accept insurance for our services, however, we will be happy to provide you with a superbill you can submit to your insurance carrier for potential reimbursement.

We require a $50 deposit to book an appointment with our office. This deposit will be applied to your first visit. Your first visit must be done in person, but follow-ups may be done over the phone in certain situations if requested. Pricing does not include any recommended lab work and we accept cash, checks, and credit cards, with payment being due at the time of service.

Initial Consultation (90 min): $495

Follow-up Consultation (45 min): $225

Follow-up Consultation by Phone (15 min max): $195

Lab testing: Varies

Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner

The Functional Medicine Tree

The Functional Medicine Tree